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Report Card Formats

Customizing the layout of report cards with Classe365's Assessment & Grading Module.

Ashley Cooper avatar
Written by Ashley Cooper
Updated yesterday

Customizing Report Card Formats

Report cards are an essential tool for schools to communicate a student's academic progress to parents and guardians. While most schools have a standard report card format, some schools may want to customize their report cards to better suit their needs. In this article, we will discuss how schools can customize their report card formats.

Why Customize Report Card Formats?

There are several reasons why a school may want to customize their report card formats. Some schools may want to include additional information, such as attendance records or behaviour reports, on their report cards. Others may want to change the grading scale or add a section for teacher comments. Customizing report card formats can also help schools align their report cards with their curriculum and teaching methods.

How to Customize Report Card Formats

Head over to Assessment & Grading Module > Grade Setup > Report Cards & Grade Book Settings

Click on "➕ Add New Format" in the next window, give the format a "Name", and select through the class/section to apply the format for specific class/section.

1) Using Default Templates

Classe365 provides 3 predefined templates, you can select when creating the report card.

In the next window, you'll have an interface to customize the report card.

Report Card Template Options

On the "Right Pane" there are 2 options:

1) Settings: This feature enables the user to establish a connection between the report card layout and a particular class or section, as well as customize the visibility and printing options.

  • Apply To - will let you apply the report card format with specific class/section.

  • Status (Active, Draft) - when the report card's status is "Active" the system will use the report card's template settings for the students of class/section the format is applied to.

  • Print Settings - is used to configure the printer settings for all users when they are printing the report cards.

  • Preview Settings - is used to preview the customized report card layout with actual student data, or a placeholder data configured by Classe365.

2) Data Variables: will let you insert the vales of specific items in the report card builder.

Data Variables

Data Variables hold values of specific item in the report card settings. Classe365 has the following data variables.


Holds the institute values set up in your "Organization Profile".

  • Institute Logo - the logo of your account.

  • Institute Name - name of your organization

  • Institute Email - organization email

  • Institute Contact - organization's contact number

  • Institute Address - organization's address


Holds the values of student profile information, the system will list all the fields which are published created in the "Student Fields" page.


Will hold the data of student's attendance, the following are the data variables:

  • Attendance - will display the cumulative (average) attendance of a student from all the subjects/sessions.

  • Attendance table - will display the attendance table. To customize the attendance table, click on "⚙️" button.

Assessment Score

Important data variable, this will hold the assessment information.

Subjects score table

This is the table that contains the subject attributes, and it's related contents, to be displayed on the report card. Clicking on the ⚙️button will populate the following options.

  • Display Subject Name - will display the subject name column on the score table.

  • Display Subjects Code - will display the subject codes column on the score table.

  • Display Subjects Credits - will display the credits/hours set up for subjects in the academics page.

  • Display Subject's Enrollment Status - will display the student's subject enrollment status in a column.

  • Display Subject Teacher - will display the teachers assigned to the subjects.

  • Comments - will display the subject comments in the score table.

  • Hide subjects w/o scores - will hide the subjects not having any scores in the gradebook.

  • Display CCE Scores - will display the scores for subjects which has the sub-category subjects, and the assessments enabled with CCE.

  • Hide Categories - will hide the assessment categories on the report cards.

  • Hide Categories not having any assessments - will hide only the assessments which don't have any assessments created.

  • Overwrite Category Score Display - can be used when you want to update the overall score (Final Score) score display to a different grading scale.

  • All Assessments - enabling this option will display all the assessments created for the class/section this report card is linked to.

  • Display actual score, or percentage for assessments - is useful when you want to display the assessments scores with either the actual points or percentage values.

  • Display Total Obtained Points for Assessments - will display the sum/average assessment points obtained by a subject from all the assessments.

  • Final Scores - is the overall score value for a subject computed in the gradebook.

  • Overwrite Overall Score Display Settings - can be used when you want to display the overall score in a different grading scale other than a global one.

  • Display Percentage with Overall Score - will display the percentage value along with the letter grading scale for final scores.

  • Enable GPA - will display the GPA value, refer to this article on calculating and enabling the GPA values.

  • Display Cumulative Score - will display the average score from all the subject's final score (or average score of all subject's overall score).

  • Overwrite Cumulative Score Display Settings - can be used to overwrite the cumulative score grading scale, this is essentially useful when you want to display "Pass" or "Fail" based on all the subject's overall score.

  • Display Grading Periods with Scores Only - will only display the grading periods if there are scores captured for a specific grading period. This is useful when the grading period (term/semester) hasn't started.

Consolidated score table

Will display the score table when you are working with the "Grading Periods". Clicking on the "⚙️" button has the following options.

  • Hide Consolidated Score - will hide the consolidated scores on the table.

  • Hide Grading Period Weights - will hide the weightages set up in the grading periods.

Subject Comments

Will display the subject comments set up in the gradebook's overall score blocks for students.

Rubric Score Table

Will display the "Rubric" scores in a separate block on the report cards, you'll need to have at least one assessment with having rubric type of grading scale, and scores captured in the gradebook to display the rubrics. Clicking on the "⚙️" will display the following options.

  • Hide points in rubric - will hide the obtained points for each criteria of the rubric.

  • Display rubric even though scores not added - disabling this option will not let rubrics display for subjects when the scores aren't captured.

  • Display primary teacher name - will display the subject's primary teacher name on the rubric score block.

  • Display secondary teacher name - will display the subject's secondary teacher name on the rubric score block.

Grading Structure

Will display the grading scale used for the overall score grade calculation, this is the setting enabled globally in the "Grade Setup" tab.

GPA Score

Will display the GPA score computed from all the subject's overall score, grade points on the grading scale, and credit/hours of subjects.

When there are grading periods enabled, this data variable wouldn't display any values.

Copy the data variable and insert it into the report card builder.

2) Creating Report Cards From Scratch

Customizing report card formats from scratch is an easy and simple process. Classe365's report card builder accepts HTML codes, just in case you design a template in HTML you can easily paste the code into the builder's code block.

OR if you have a report card layout designed in the "MS Word" document or from an "Excel sheet" an example can be found here.

Just copy the layout, and paste it inside the report card builder by "Keeping" the word layout.

The builder will automatically convert the design into HTML blocks and will store the template layout.

Later, just update the data-variables and paste them in the layout copied from the document.


Here are a few Frequently Asked Questions

1) I've created report cards using the old report card option, will there be any impact on the existing report cards?

  • No, old report card formats (which are already created before this release), will work without any impact.

2) How can I transition an old report card to a new one?

  • First delete the old report card created in the previous version.

  • Then, create a new report card with the new format and update the status to "Active" in the report card's settings.

3) I've been using the "Default" report card and haven't created custom ones in the past. How will this new release help me?

  • With the new report card enhancement, if the customers using the default report cards (haven't created a report card in the past) then only the default template will be updated (including existing report card with default format) once this release is rolled out.

4) I don't want to go with the new report card feature, will stick to old default format.

  • Please note that it's highly recommended to switch to the new report card feature which also has options to customize to look like an old one. We urge you to start implementing the new report card feature.

  • Any updates, or customizations on the old default report card is no longer supported.

5) I want to keep using the old Consolidated Report Card layout

  • We've provided two options for "Consolidated Report Cards".

    • Customize Format Old - will let you customize the consolidated report cards for old format. The system will render the old UI to customize the report card.

    • Customize Format New - will allow you to customize the consolidated report card with new UI which has some more variables in the "Subject Score Table".

6) I've created new report card but the system is showing the old settings.

  • Ensure, you have updated the status settings to "Active" by editing the report card format.


Customizing report card formats can help schools better communicate a student's academic progress and align their report cards with their curriculum and teaching methods. By following the steps outlined in this article, schools can create customized report cards that meet their specific needs and preferences.

We hope this article has been helpful in guiding you through the process of customizing report card formats for schools.


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