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Learning Management System (LMS)

LMS for Adminstrators

Ashley Cooper avatar
Written by Ashley Cooper
Updated over a week ago

Classe365's LMS module is comprehensive and has all the functions & features required for blended learning.
The Video tutorial for the LMS module is shown below.

To access the LMS module, Go to Modules ----> LMS (Learning Management System). 

Once the user clicks on the LMS module, the user has to select the Class & Section.

Select the required subject. The LMS module consists of Discussions, Assessments, Quizzes, Resources & Students.

Here the Students/Teachers/Administrators can discuss through Message, uploading files by Drag and Drop function or sharing a link through the URL. The user has the option of sharing it with selected students or all the students.


In the Assessments tab, the user can view all the assessments and we also have the manage assessments tab which can be used to access the assessments and grading section.


The user can view all quizzes & add a Quiz from the quizzes section. The time limit (In Minutes) can also be set here.

Currently, we support 5 flavours of Quizzes but we will be upgrading our Quiz module to provide more comprehensive functions and features.


The user can upload any resources for learning, the resource can be a video, audio or an Image.
Classe365 also has Google drive access in our LMS with our Gdrive upload.


The user can view all the students and their overall score and attendance of the selected Class & Section.

Flip Class:
Classe365 provides its users with Flip Class section where the user can duplicate the Curriculum data from the selected subject to the current subject.

The user can add a new section with the section name and also enter the learning objectives for that particular section and assign the Lecture as per the requirement

The Manage content of the lecture allows the Video, Audio, Documentation, Presentation & Text.

We currently support video files from Vimeo and Youtube; Copy the embed code of the video and enter the embed code in the video section of Classe365's LMS. Below is an example of a youtube video being embedded into Classe365's LMS module.

Copy and Paste the Embed code into the video section of the LMS and save the Video. An example image is shown below

Similarly, for Vimeo, copy the embed code and paste it in the video section of the LMS. Below is an example for Videos from Vimeo.

To add Audio files, The user can download the audio file into their Desktop(All types of audio files are supported by Classe365) and then save the document.

The user can also audio links from SoundCloud, Youtube & Vimeo through the text section of the contents. The below link shows a video on uploading files through the text section.

Similary, Classe365 supports presentation, Text and Documentation. 

After the setup has been done, the lecture can be made "LIVE" for the students. If the setup is incomplete the user can keep the status in "Draft".

The LMS module can be edited and deleted at any point in time as per the discretion of the user.

Please contact support@classe365 for any queries.

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