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Microsoft365 | Microsoft Teams & Calendar Integration with Classe365
Microsoft365 | Microsoft Teams & Calendar Integration with Classe365

This documentation describes all about integrating Microsoft365 | MS Teams and Syncing Outlook calendar with Classe365

Ashley Cooper avatar
Written by Ashley Cooper
Updated over 7 months ago

Classe365 now offers Microsoft Teams integration, which provides a versatile conversation experience. You will be able to enjoy persistent threaded conversations. Looking at it from a broader point of view, every conversation you have within Teams automatically becomes information assets and are saved. These assets become searchable via Microsoft Graph.

They built Microsoft Teams for today’s diverse workforce. The methods that organizational teams used to communicate and collaborate has gone through immense changes over the years; traditional hierarchies are dying out, leaving room for flatter organizational structures and thus making the rapid flow of information and communication even more important. Teams provides you with an open, digital environment that makes work integrated, visible, and accessible across the board. With Teams, everyone around you will always be knowledgeable.

View and manage all your appointments, events and birthdays using Classe365's Calendar using the Outlook Calendar integration.

Let's dive into the ocean of Classe365 and start integrating Microsoft Teams!

STEP-1: Register with Microsoft Azure

Go to and login to your Microsoft account, you can also use your Skype account to login.

STEP-2: Create New App

From Home > More Services >

All Services > App Registration

Add New Registration

For "White Label" users, add your custom domain URI, as well as the "Classe365 URI" as below:

STEP-3: Get Application (Client) ID and Client Secret

Application (client) ID:

Go to the Overview screen to get the Application (client) ID.

Client Secret:

Go to Certificates and Secrets > Create New Client Secret

Now, copy both Client ID and Client Secret Value and proceed to the next step.

NOTE: Need the "Client Secret Value" not "Secret ID" for integration.

STEP-4: Setup Integration in Classe365

Go to Settings > Apps > Microsoft365

Click on the Microsoft365 logo and paste the Application (client) ID and Client Secret values in the form and Save

Once done you we need to enable permissions and generate access tokens.

STEP-5: Enable required permissions and grant the access token request

This step is mandatory to use Microsoft Teams integration.

Grant Access Token

From Overview's screen, go to Redirect URIs and under “Implicit Grant”, check "Access tokens" to allow the permission for getting access token. This access token is demanded for creating live lectures.

Enabling Required Permissions

Go to API Permissions > Add Permissions > Microsoft Graphs > Delegated Permissions >

Enabled below highlighted permissions.

  • Group.Read.All

  • OnlineMeetings.Read

  • OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite

After enabling the required permissions hit the Add Permissions button to save the configurations.

Enabling Calendar API's to sync outlook calendar with Classe365

NOTE: This step is mandatory to sync outlook calendar with Classe365.

Enable the below permissions.

  • Calendars.Read

  • Calendars.ReadWrite

Now grant Admin Consent for enabled permissions above.

Only the admin of the "Azure Active Directory (AAD)" will have the permission to grant the consent. If the link is grayed out, that means you don't have the right permissions.

Once setup, you can use Microsoft Teams with Classe365.

Questions? Contact us using the chat-interface


Write us to [email protected]

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