The transcript is the official summary of the student's academic records. It contains all the student's enrollment information like courses taken, grades and credits earned to name a few.
All this data can be found in a student's "Degree Audit", which is also a summary of a student's progress. Now with the transcript feature, you can create a formal report to display this information.
Here are the steps to create a transcript for a student.
STEP 1: Add Transcript Template
Go to Modules > Manage Degree
Settings > Add New
STEP 2: Design a Transcript Template
You can build a custom template using the text editor.
Aside from that, you can use HTML to customize the design by adding in line CSS to the HTML tags.
STEP 3: Populating Data
You can use data variables to populate data to your template.
Classe365 Offers the following data variables:
Student Attributes - You can populate any information that is on a student profile into the transcript.
Transcript Data - This is the information found in the Degree Audit.
Subject Data Table - If you use this field, a table will be generated in the student's transcript displaying the ff data - Course Name, Course Code, Credits/Hours, Credits Earned, Final Score, GPA, Status and Academic Session.
If you click the cogwheel icon next to it, you can customize which specific data to include in the table, and even change its label names as well.
Organization: This is the information on your organization, which was set from the Organization Settings page
Others: You can populate dates in the transcript.
Transcript Created Date - This will display the date when the transcript was generated.
Current Date - This will display the user's current date. When printing, it will use the current date on which the transcript is being viewed.
Custom Data Variables: The admin can add custom data variables in the transcript. By using this variable, the admin can write custom information for each student by manually editing their generated transcript.
STEP 4: Enabling the "Transcript" to a "Degree Audit".
To assign a transcript to a degree audit, go to "All Degree > Edit".
There you need to enable the "Transcript" and choose the transcript template from the list.
If you are new to Degree Audit module, It's highly recommended to check out the documentation below to learn how to create a "Degree Audit".
STEP 5: Enabling/Viewing Transcripts
View the assigned students to a degree either by selecting the degree from the list of using the action button below.
Once the student data is populated for a degree, you can choose to publish/unpublish their transcripts. By publishing it, this means that you are enabling it for student's access.
To print the transcript, use the quick action button, or print by viewing the transcript.
Modifying the information of a "Custom Data Variable".
View Transcript of a student, and click over the custom data variable to edit the information.
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