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CRM Enrol and Forms Module

The new CRM module - Enroll and Forms is now available.

Ashley Cooper avatar
Written by Ashley Cooper
Updated over 9 months ago

We at Classe365 are always innovating and enhancing the software to ensure success at all levels of your organization. We have now introduced the enhanced pre-admission module (CRM) which allows you to create multiple different types of forms, create your own workflows, manage multiple different payment settings and much more.

To get started, hover over CRM - Enroll and Forms as shown in the below image:

Once inside the module, there will be two tabs, "Forms" and "Submissions". The "Forms" tab is where the user can create and manage different types of forms, and the "Submissions" tab is used to view all the submitted forms and applications.

STEP-1: Create Form

First step is to create the application form, click on +Add in the "Forms" tab to start the process of creating a form.

STEP-2: General Details

The second step is to create the form and put in the general details of the selected form. 

There are three types of forms that can be selected, Generic forms, Student Pre-admission and Teacher Registration. 

  • General form - These type of forms are used for general inquiries.

  • Student Pre-admission form - These type of forms can be used for enrollment of the student to your organization. 

  • Teacher Registration form - This type of form is used for teacher self registration, with options to map form fields with teacher information system.

Once you select the form, you'll be able to further add details on the form type.

STEP-3: Setup Form Fields

Create all the required fields/attributes to the form.

Classe365 supports the following types of fields/attributes.

  1. Text field  - Text field is used to enable the user to input any text in the field.

  2. Text area field - Text area field is a multi-line field and can accommodate unlimited number of characters.

  3. Date field - Date field appears as the date format as per the format set.

  4. Selection - Selection field allows presenting the form filling user with a series of possible choices (multiple choices)

  5. File - This field allows creating any attachments in the form.

  6. Checkbox field - This field creates checkboxes in the form.

  7. Signature - to collect signatures from end users.

The user can create any number of steps in the application form by clicking on the "Step" field.

The layout settings can be set as per the user's requirement.

STEP-4: Setting up Conditional Logic

Classe365's Conditional logic in CRM form is a powerful tool that allows you to create dynamic and personalized forms for your schools/website. With conditional logics, you can show or hide certain form fields based on the applicant's input, making the form more user-friendly and efficient.

Here's an article on "Conditional Logic".

STEP-5: Setup Ratings and Analysis

The Rating fields offered by Classe365 are a highly effective feature within application forms, enabling users to offer their feedback or indicate their level of satisfaction with a particular question. These fields are commonly depicted through a variety of icons, such as stars, crowns, and users have the ability to select the appropriate number of icons that align with their rating.

Continue reading documentation on "Rating Analysis"

STEP-6: Create your own workflow:

Admins, can customize the workflow of onboarding students, ​you can create your own form statuses, and automate notifications when the form goes through the workflow.

For the Pre-Admission type of forms, Pending, Accepted, Admission Offered, and Enroll are the default statuses. 

For pre-admission type of forms, the last status Enroll/Closed will enroll the submission into SIS by creating a student into SIS as per the fields mapping set.

For the General type of forms, Pending and Closed are the default statuses. First and the last statuses are mandatory for both the types of forms, however, the user can customize the label and color as per the user's discretion.

Click on "+Add" to create a new status with a description and colour of choice.

Once the new status is created it can be edited, dragged & dropped and deleted as shown in the above image.

STEP-7: Availability:

This section is used to manage the availability of the forms. 

Forms become visible to the user as soon as its status is updated to Live but note that users can submit the Form only within the time frame of Start Date-Time & End Date-Time.

If Start Date-Time is not specified then users can submit the Form as soon as it becomes live. If End Date-Time is not specified then there will not be any expiry time to submit the Form.

STEP-8: Payments:

You can now create multiple fee categories and assign them to the forms.
**Note** - You need to subscribe to the fee/invoicing module to enable this.

Once you enable fee/payments, you can select the required fee categories that have been created in the fee/invoicing module. You can make this mandatory or optional.

Similarly, you can add multiple fee categories to the list by clicking on "+Add".

STEP-9: Form Linking:

You can now link other forms using our "form linking" feature. Once the user enables the form linking option, then you can select another form from the drop-down menu of select form and click on Save.

The next step is to create the email template from the notifications step. To get more detailed information about how the "link-forming" functions, Please click on this link

STEP-10: Notifications:

The user first needs to create the email templates. Click on "+Add" to create a new template. 

Once the email template has been created, click on the notifications tab and select "+Add" to create a new notification.

Here the email notification settings can be set, the email subject, email template to choose (Templates that was created in the email templates section), when should the email notification be triggered and the recipients.

The recipients can be admin/teacher in the database, custom email address and form attributes. The form attributes are the email addresses that have been created in the application form.
For ex: if you have created an email address for a guardian, then this field will be shown when the form attributes option is selected.

STEP-11: Terms & Conditions:

Here you can add any text for terms & conditions.

Once the form has been created, you can manage all the submissions from the submissions tab:


We have provided the option of archiving the submissions if required. You can now also change the view of active, archive, all submissions. You can also export all these in a CSV format.

To further customize viewing the submissions, you can switch between different view here.

Furthermore, you can select all the different types of forms created and then view only the submissions of those forms, as shown in the above image.

Inside the submissions, you can manage all the application forms. 

If you have any questions, queries, concerns please contact our support team at [email protected] or use our efficient chat support for quick and fast response.

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