The Events calendar offered by Classe365 is a valuable tool that enables administrators of organizations to create a variety of events, including cultural days, sports days, and yoga days, and share them with students, parents, and teachers. Additionally, the Classe365 Events calendar allows for the import and export of events from Google Calendar. The following are the steps involved in this procedure.
STEP-1: Integrate Google Workspace
You'll need to integrate Google Workspace and enable calendar APIs and required Scopes, here's a documentation link that walks you through this process.
STEP-2: Login To Classe365 Admin Portal
Click on the login invitation URL received, it should be something like "https://<yourdomain>, and login as admin user.
STEP-3: Sync Google Calendar
After logging into the Classe365 admin portal, head over to Modules > Schedules & Communication > Events
Go to Calendar Sync > Login with your Google Account > Allow / Continue
Select the calendar to sync, for listing option select "Import and Export" to do bidirectional sync, and set the visibility of events to users.
Classe365 will only display 6 months calendar, and the rest of the events should be displayed going forward.
Questions? Write us to [email protected] or use in-app chat tool