The teacher dashboard provided by Classe365 is an easy-to-use interface that provides teachers with direct access to the various areas of their academic and personal information. It is designed to give teachers a convenient way to interact with their educational institution, and can be used for accessing subjects, attendance, schedules, and more.
Classe365's teacher's dashboard includes:
Live Lectures (Upcoming)
Online Notice Board
Events & Class Schedules
Directory and Skill Based Search
STEP-1: Login to Classe365 as Admin
Login to your Classe365's admin account. The admin user needs to have super-admin privileges to customize the teacher dashboard.
STEP-2: Access Settings Page
Go to Account > Org Settings
And then go to User Portal > Customize Teacher's Dashboard
STEP-3: Configure Teacher Dashboard
Click on "View/Hide Blocks" to enable/disable a specific section on the dashboard.
To arrange the blocks on the dashboard, use the "Drag to reorder" button.
After customizing click on the "Save" button and that's it, when teachers log into the teacher portal, they should find the customized dashboard.
Need help?
Contact support@classe365 or use in-app chat tool