Users can change their username and password. All they need to do is login to their individual accounts > go to their profile > and from there, they can opt to change their login credentials directly.
Please note that when changing the password, it must contain a minimum of eight (8) characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character. Characters allowed as special character are !@#$%_^&*~
Changing the Credentials
For the Students:
For the Parents:
For the Teachers:
For the Admins:
Forgot Password
In case the user has forgotten the password, they can trigger the "Forgot Password" link.
From there, they can enter their username or email to trigger the password reset.
1. How to generate login credentials for the users?
Please refer to this article link for more information.
2. Does the password expire?
The password doesn't expire. Users can keep using their existing password until they choose to change it.
3. Will users be locked from using the system after a number of failed login attempts?
Users will not be locked out if the credentials are invalid. An error message will just be displayed indicating the use of the wrong username and/or password.