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Gamification Module

Classe365's LMS Gamification module is about finding innovative ways to capture the learners’ attention

Patricia Esmaquel avatar
Written by Patricia Esmaquel
Updated over a month ago

At Classe365, we understand the importance of engaging learners through effective learning interventions. However, with the overwhelming amount of data we encounter in our digital lives, it has become increasingly challenging to capture the student's attention. In such times, it is crucial to explore more dynamic approaches to learning.

This is where gamification comes in. By incorporating game-like elements in the LMS module, Classe365 enhances engagement and motivation among the students. The concept involves utilizing the structural elements of games, such as badges, points, and leaderboard, to grab student's interests.

Gamification section is part of "Learning Management System", to add games, LMS module subscription should be active.

Setting up Games in Classe365

Students can challenge their peers to compete against each other for points, and adapt a learning environment, here are a few simple steps to create a game and award points for their activity.

STEP-1: Adding Games

To add a game, go to Modules > Learning Management System > Gamification

Click on "Add a New Game".

Game Details

Game details include the necessary game information such as game title, a bit of description about the game, and the scope (participants for the game).

After completing the prompts, move to add levels and points for this game.

Levels & Points

A game can have multiple levels, and the participants with the specific points are elevated to a certain level. Start adding the levels with the least point, and then gradually add the higher levels.

Start from last level with the least point, and gradually adding levels until the 1st level.

Click on "Save" after adding all the levels, and move to Step 2.

STEP-2: Awarding Points

After creating a game, admins can manually award points to students by simply clicking on start game.

To award points, click on "Edit" game.

Go to Participants > Select Participants > Add Points

Enter the points, and a note.

  • While adding points for students, admins can enter negative numbers (ex: -10) to deduct points from their achieved points.

  • Students who reach certain points will be elevated into the level for those points.

Points Log

To view the points log, click on the button "View Points Log".

This will give you the timestamp, with points, and remarks awarded for the student.

STEP-3: Leaderboard

Each game features a leaderboard that ranks players based on the points they have earned while playing. Click on the "Leader Board" tab to view the students based on their performance.

Games can also be viewed from the respective LMS subject.


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